What is ironic is that this Christ child’s birth would bring about anything but peace in his own life.
Herod would massacre hundreds if not thousands of children in an attempt to kill him. Mary and Joseph would have to flee in the middle of the night into a foreign country. As an adult Christ’s years of ministry so up-heaved the religious community that it would end in his arrest, torture, and execution. After his resurrection from the dead and ascension into heaven his followers would be persecuted and killed for his name’s sake.
And yet all of these things worked together for a peace that is far greater than any earthly peace we long for.
The peace Christ was born to secure for us is peace between God and humanity. Christ saves us from the punishment of our sin and reconciles us to our Maker. Christ saves us from the power of sin in our lives and gives us safety from their enslaving power. He offers us peace in the midst of dark days and difficult circumstances assuring us of God’s good plan for us. The salvation of Jesus will, in the end, save us from the presence of sin and establish a kingdom and a new earth where Peace will sit on the throne having conquered and removed all evil and darkness." From the Good Morning Girls study @ http://www.goodmorninggirls.org/2012/12/peace/
He made such a sacrifice that we just cannot understand. There is no one else like Him and no one has done what He has done.
Praying that you will be thinking about the one Man who changed all of history and affected the world so greatly that His very existence separated time, AD from BC and led to millions in the world gathering together today to exchange gifts, prepare special meals and just prioritize being together. I am so thankful that this world, these presents and high expectations we have for how life should work isn't all there is. If it were, it would be a sad Christmas indeed. My hope is alive and fixed in Jesus, the author and perfector of my faith. What a story He is writing right now...
Merry Christmas!
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